Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ludwig's Angina

Ludwig's Angina

Ludwig's angina, called angina ludovici, is often a significant, possibly life-threatening cellulite, or perhaps connective tissue infection, from the floor in the mouth, generally occurring inside adults using concomitant teeth infections of course, if left untreated, may well obstruct your air passage, requiring tracheotomy. It can be called after the German physician, Wilhelm Friedrich von Ludwig that very first referred to this problem in 1836. Other titles contain "angina Maligna" along with "Morbus Strangularis".

Ludwig's angina mustn't be confused with angina pectoris, which is also or else often called "angina". The saying "angina" originates from your Greek word ankhon, which means "strangling", so in this instance, Ludwig's angina refers to the a sense strangling, not really the impression involving chest pain, though there might be chest pain inside Ludwig's angina in the event the infection distributes into the retrosternal space.

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